Volcano Theatre presents "Dashing through the Snow"
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Just days before Christmas in little ol’ Tinsel, Texas and the local bed and breakfast, The Snowflake Inn, is busy with an array of crazy guests … holiday hilarity hammers the holidays home! You’ll appreciate the sanity of your family after meeting ...
Eagle's Nest Airport Historic Aircraft Display
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Historic Aircraft Display takes place every first and third Saturday each month, weather permitting (call 209-274-9160 to confirm), at Eagle's Nest Airport, 17069 Lambert Road in Ione. Drive up Lambert Road to the intersection of Eagles Ranch Road ...
Paranormal Tours
6:00 PM - 1:00 AM
SEPTEMBER 23, OCTOBER 21, NOVEMBER 18 PARANORMAL TOURS Led by a team of experienced paranormal investigators. Learn about history of Kennedy Mine while exploring buildings on the property, as well as the land, for possible paranormal activity. $75 per ...
Volcano Theatre presents "Dashing through the Snow"
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Just days before Christmas in little ol’ Tinsel, Texas and the local bed and breakfast, The Snowflake Inn, is busy with an array of crazy guests … holiday hilarity hammers the holidays home! You’ll appreciate the sanity of your family after meeting ...